Peer Assessment—which is predicated on the notion that artists and arts professionals are the most qualified individuals to assess, adjudicate and make funding recommendations on the work of other artists—is a fundamental principle of TAC. The Council’s peer assessment bodies include standing arts discipline committees that assess operating and project applications, and various arts grant review panels that are formed for specific project and individual grants competitions.

Committee and grant review panel members are selected to ensure balanced and equitable representation of artistic practices and specializations, as well as genders, generations, persons of colour, Indigenous people, Black people, persons who are Deaf or have disabilities and individuals who identify as 2SLGBTQIAP. The goal is to engage highly qualified assessors who collectively reflect the multiplicity of experiences, perspectives and communities that make up Toronto’s diverse arts sector and population.

The Council has adopted the following equity measures to achieve equitable representation and reduce barriers to its peer assessment processes for all equity groups:

  • TAC ensures 50% (or more) of the members of its arts discipline committees arepersons of colour, Black or Indigenous peoples.
  • TAC further ensures that there is at least one Indigenous artist on each arts disciplinecommittee.
  • TAC ensures 50% (or more) of the assessors on its grant review panels are persons ofcolour, Black or Indigenous peoples. Panels adjudicating TAC’s Indigenous ArtsProjects program are comprised entirely of peers from the Indigenous artscommunity. Panels adjudicating TAC’s Black Arts Projects and Black Arts Operatingprograms are comprised entirely of peers from the Black arts community.

Toronto Arts Council Equity Framework

Equity at Toronto Arts Council: A Brief History
Equity Guiding Principles
Equity Priority Groups
Equity Priority Policy
Representation and Peer Assessment
Equity Steering Committee and Framework Implementation
Increased Weighting of Equity Implementation Score in Operating Grants