Information on where and how to report on your TAC-funded project
*Note* If your application was submitted through TAC Grants Online, then your report must also be submitted through TAC Grants Online and is accessed via your Action Items tab.
Toronto Summer Music, three young artists are mentored by Lesley Robertson from the St. Lawrence Quartet. Photo by James Ireland (2017)
To access TAC Grants Online, visit:
Project Grants
Grant recipients are required to file an artistic and financial report at the end of the project. The due date for the final report will be included in the grant notification letter.
If you need to request an extension on your project report, please contact you Grant Program Manager or one of our grant support staff:
Yazmin Camacho Vela, Grants Administrative Assistant
416-392-6802 x 222
Joyce To, Grants & Engagement Assistant
416-392-6802 x 234
Final reports are submitted through TAC Grants Online. If you applied before 2015, please contact Yazmin Camacho Vela (yazmin[at]torontoartscouncil[dot]org) for a copy of the appropriate form, specifying whether the grant was to an individual artist or to an organization/collective.
Operating Grants
Organizations that received a Multi-Year Operating Grant from Toronto Arts Council are required to submit a Mid-Cycle Report in the second and third year of the funding cycle. Release of grants in years two and three is contingent upon receipt of the Mid-Cycle Report.
Mid-Cycle Report Forms are made available through Toronto Arts Council’s online grants management system in December for multi-year reporting cycles in the following year.
Organizations can enter data online in CADAC at any time.
The deadlines for Mid-Cycle Reports (Year 2 & 3) and Multi-Year Operating Grants (Year 1) are listed on the Deadlines page.
Strategic Initiatives Funding Grant Reports
Please click to download the appropriate Report Form: