Are you eligible to apply for a TAC grant? This checklist of general guidelines will help you quickly determine your eligibility.

Individual artists must…

  • Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident (landed immigrant), have an application pending for Permanent Resident Status, or be a Protected Person (approved refugee claimant)
  • Have been a resident of Toronto for at least one year prior to the deadline, and live and work in Toronto for at least eight months of the year (unless when applying to the Newcomer/Refugee Artist Mentorship program).
  • Be a “professional artist,” which TAC defines as someone who has developed their skills through training and/or practice; is recognized as such by artists working in the same artistic tradition; actively practices their art; seeks payment for their work; and has a history of public presentation.
  • Not have any overdue final reports for any grant programs or final report due in the grant program in which the grant application is being submitted.
  • May only receive one discipline-stream project grant and one strategic initiative grant per calendar year.
  • be 18 years of age or older.

Organizations and collectives must…

  • Be located and operating in the City of Toronto.
  • Be an incorporated non-profit organization or a non-profit collective (two or more artists working together under a group name with a bank account held in that name).
  • Have a track record of arts activity.
  • Have a viable administrative and financial plan for meeting the proposed activities.
  • Have received two project grants in addition to other eligibility requirements in order to be eligible for operating funding.
  • Not have any overdue final reports for any grant programs or final report due in the grant program in which the grant application is being submitted.
  • May only receive one discipline-stream operating or project grant and one strategic initiative grant per calendar year.