TAC committees review grant applications, make grant recommendations, and advise our Board of Directors on the needs of Toronto’s arts community.
Toronto Arts Council has seven standing committees that review applications from organizations: Black Arts, Creative Communities, Dance, Large Institutions, Literary, Music, Theatre, Visual/Media Arts.
TAC also has a committee that primarily advises on the needs of the arts community: Indigenous Arts
Committees are chaired by members of the TAC board; collectively the members represent a broad spectrum of artistic and cultural practices. All committee members are volunteers with extensive professional experience in their fields and are selected through a process of consultation with the arts community. All recommended allocations are approved by TAC's Board of Directors.
All of TAC’s assessment committees and grant review panels are selected to reflect the diversity of our City and its evolving arts practices.
If you are interested in becoming a committee member please contact the Program Manager for your discipline or area of expertise and submit a nomination form.
The 2013 Theatre Committee reviews applications