Graphic with the text: We believe in art. Now let's spread the word.

Artists and arts organizations make our city vibrant, for everyone to enjoy. Now’s the time to raise awareness of the significance of art to our lives, and the people who make it happen. 


Read more about why you should participate in the campaign by going here





In recognition of our 50th anniversary, we’ve launched a campaign called Believe in Art. The theme of Believe in Art is inspired by the drive to create, humanity’s connection to art, and the variety of ways the arts manifest meaning.

Our campaign has 5 themes which show the connection of art to our everyday, and the ripple effect of believing in art: Believe in Possibility / Believe in Creativity / Believe in Community / Believe in Yourself / Believe in Toronto




Use them so we can like, comment, re-share and enter you into our T-shirt draw.  
#BelieveInArt #TAC50

Are you funded by TAC? Use our hashtag #PoweredByTAC year-round and we’ll re-share!   

Instagram: @torontoartscouncil
X: @torontoarts

Participate from now until December 2024. 

For Artists 

1. Create a social post based on one of our messages below. Feel free to modify the text, and visit our image gallery for visuals and fun things to post.  

A. I believe in the transformative power of art. Today I am celebrating Toronto Art Council’s 50th anniversary by sharing why. <<Provide a few lines about what makes you believe in the power of art>>. #BelieveInArt #TAC50 #PoweredByTAC 

B. Believing in art means believing in yourself, embracing the power of possibility, and celebrating the magic of creativity. It’s about finding joy in community and envisioning a vibrant Toronto, enriched in greater investments in arts and culture. Today, I join Toronto Arts Council in sharing that I’m proud to believe in art, for these reasons and so many more. #BelieveInArt #TAC50 #PoweredByTAC 

C. Toronto thrives on its rich arts and culture scene. Art infuses the city with vibrancy, excitement, and life. By believing in art, I believe in a Toronto that supports, celebrates, and protects its artists, arts workers, organizations, cultural institutions and heritage. #BelieveInArt #TAC50 #PoweredByTAC 

2. Create your own original post. Go here for inspiration.  

3. Presenting your art at a live event? Consider saying this to your audience

4. Write to your city councilor, or tag them in your social media posts, to let them know why art matters to you. Consider inviting them to your next #poweredByTAC event. 

For Arts Organizations

1. Create a social post based on one of our messages below. Feel free to modify the text, and visit our image gallery for visuals and fun things to post. 

A. At <<Organization Name>>, we believe in art, and want to congratulate Toronto Arts Council on its 50th anniversary. <<Organization Name>> believes in art because <<Provide a few lines about why your organization believes in the power of art>>. #BelieveInArt #TAC50 #PoweredByTAC 

B. Believing in art means believing in yourself, embracing the power of possibility, and celebrating the magic of creativity. It’s about finding joy in community and envisioning a vibrant Toronto, enriched in greater investments in arts and culture. Today, <<Organization Name>> joins Toronto Arts Council in sharing that we're proud to believe in art, for these reasons and so many more. #BelieveInArt #TAC50 

C. Toronto thrives on its rich arts and culture scene. Art infuses the city with vibrancy, excitement and life. By believing in art, <<Organization Name>> believes in a Toronto that supports, celebrates and protects its artists, arts workers, organizations, cultural institutions and heritage. #BelieveInArt #TAC50 #PoweredByTAC 

2. Create your own original post. Go here for inspiration.   

3. Have an opening or ongoing performance run?  Consider saying this to your audience.  

4. Draft a Believe in Art statement for your organization and include it in your upcoming e-newsletter or e-blast. 

For Arts Lovers

1. Create a social post based on one of our messages below. Feel free to modify the text, and  visit our image gallery for visuals and fun things to post. 

A. Toronto Arts Council, Toronto’s city-wide funder for artists and arts organizations, is celebrating 50 years of the arts in Toronto. As a firm believer in art, I am joining TAC in advocating for increased public funding for artists and arts organizations <<Share a reason why arts funding matters to you.>> #BelieveInArt #TAC50 

B. I believe in the transformative power of art. Today I am celebrating Toronto Art Council’s 50th anniversary by sharing why. <<Provide a few lines about what makes you believe in the power of art>>. #BelieveInArt #TAC50 

C. Believing in art means believing in yourself, embracing the power of possibility, and celebrating the magic of creativity. It’s about finding joy in community and envisioning a vibrant Toronto, enriched in greater investments in arts and culture. Today, I join Toronto Arts Council in sharing that I’m proud to believe in art, for these reasons and so many more. #BelieveInArt #TAC50  

2. Create your own original post. Go here for inspiration.   

3. Write to your city councilor, or tag them in your social media posts, to let them know why art matters to you.  


Get creative and develop a post yourself, using your own images or video. Use our hashtag and our Believe in Art stickers and boarders so we can share! 

Some ideas to get you started: 

• Look around you. What inspires you and ignites your belief in art? Snap a pic or take a video and share it! 

• Toronto is full of amazing artists and arts organizations. Pay it forward by giving a shout out to your favourite creative and let them – and your followers – know why they keep your belief in art alive!

• Send this virtual appreciation card to a Toronto artist or arts organization you love.

• Time for a photo dump! Set a vibe by sharing a series of photos that all relate to this prompt: What does Believe in Art mean to you? Get personal and post about the things that make your heart pulse (in a good way).

• Has TAC funding made a difference in your life? Share your story.

• Raise awareness! Tag a friend who may benefit from TAC funding in your post, to let them know that we exist!  


Click on the graphic of your choice to open in a new tab, then download!









To Believe in Art is to Believe in Connection. David Anderson

Believe in Art and its power to transform the Minds and Actions of the World. Vanese Smith, @loopsessionstoronto





Stay in the know by joining our broadcast channel!



At its core, this campaign is all about appreciation. Is art important to your life? Is there an arts organization that deserves a shout out? How have the arts impacted you?  

Share why you Believe in Art so that your followers can do the same. The more people talking about the importance of the arts, the more society will consider the arts as a necessity.  

This campaign is about not taking art for granted. Art is meaningful. Art takes thought, care, time and resources to create. Art needs support. Every single post helps show the City of Toronto the value of art, and public funding for the arts. 

Still not motivated? By participating, you’ll automatically be entered into a draw to win one of five Believe in Art T-shirts.   
Note: Participation is optional and has no bearing on your existing relationship with TAC. TAC may re-share posts and profile organizations and artists that post about our campaign.   


Toronto Arts Council (TAC) is 50 in 2024. What are we celebrating? 

• over $400 million in public investment in the arts 

• thousands upon thousands of jobs created for artists and arts workers 

• the vibrant and transformative power of arts and culture to shape hearts and minds 

• millions of Torontonians impacted by Toronto Arts Council funded art 

• the artists and arts organizations who make it all happen.