Press Releases and Announcements
Titles are alphabetically listed. Please search by current year for the most recent news stories
November 22, 2023
January 04, 2013
March 24, 2021
September 24, 2012
September 24, 2012 - Sam Sniderman, CM, entrepreneur, critical promoter of Canadian music, and founder of the Sam the Record Man retail store will long be remembered for his contribution to the Canadian music scene.
October 16, 2013
TORONTO – Saye Skye, a spoken word artist and LGBTQ rights activist, has won the inaugural TELUS Newcomer Artist Award ($10,000).
September 13, 2022
False Toronto Arts Council emails being used
September 24, 2013
In April 2013, four million dollars in new funding was approved for Toronto Arts Council grants, with an additional two million dollar increase anticipated for each of the next three years. With an approved strategy in place, TAC was well prepared for this funding increase. In the six months since the City budget announcement, TAC’s committees and juries have adjudicated almost 800 grant applications, with 300 more applications currently being evaluated, and two more grant deadlines remaining this year.
November 30, 2011
November 30, 2011 - Tuesday morning, November 28th, Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby (Ward 4, Etobicoke Centre) presented the Friends of the Arts Petition to City Council, featuring 20,000 signatures representing residents living in every ward of Toronto.
January 31, 2014
On January 30, Toronto City Council passed the City’s 2014 budget. Provisions for arts funding include a continuation of City Council’s commitment to reach the $25 per capita funding target by 2017.
December 13, 2021
Writing to you at the end of our second pandemic year, I want to express my admiration for Toronto's artists and arts organizations who have continued to survive and even thrive in the most trying of circumstances.