Success rates of Black artists and organizations to TAC grants

Granting to individuals

In 2019, 10% of individual artist grant applicants identified as Black. In comparison, the 2016 census reported 8.9% of the 2016 Toronto population identified with the Black visible minority group.

The success rate for Black applicants was 28%, which is the same as the overall success rate for individuals. In total, 41 grants totalling $308,776 were awarded to individuals identifying as Black, representing 9% of grant dollars awarded to individuals.

Project program granting to organizations/collectives

In 2019, 16% of organization/collective project grant applicants identified as Black. In project programs where an organization/collective is the applicant, for the Voluntary-Self Identification form to be applicable, the project proposed must be artistically led or created by and/or primarily involves a majority of artists from the POC equity priority group, and, for this analysis, also specify as Black in the text box.

15% of organization/collective project grant recipients identified as Black. The success rate for Black applicants was 39%, which, statistically is not significantly lower than the overall success rate for organizations/collectives to project grant programs of 42%.  In total, 41 grants totalling $515,495 were awarded through project grant programs to organizations/collectives identifying as Black, representing 14% of grant dollars awarded to organizations/collectives in these programs.

Operating program granting to organizations/collectives

In 2019, 3% of operating grant applicants identified as Black. 

In total, 7 grants totalling $240,500 were awarded through the operating grant program to organizations/collectives identifying as Black, representing 2% of grant dollars awarded to organizations/collectives in the program. In operating programs, for the Voluntary-Self Identification form to be applicable, the company must identify their organization mandate and the majority of activities, artistic content and financial and human resources, as dedicated to the POC equity priority group, and, for this analysis, also specify as Black in the text box.

All organizations that receive operating grants are assessed, in part, on their equity implementation both in their artistic programming and in their operations.