Susan Crocker Appointed Board Chair of Toronto Arts Foundation
June 28, 2011 - Toronto Arts Foundation announced today that the Board of Directors has appointed Susan Crocker as Chair. Ms. Crocker succeeds Diana Bennett who has held the position of Chair since 2005.
Susan Crocker is a board director and advisor in the Toronto cultural and international development communities. She sits on the Board of the Institute for Contemporary Culture (ICC) at the Royal Ontario Museum, and is a recent trustee of the Museum. She serves as Chair of the Advisory Board of the Coady International Institute and is a Governor of St. Francis Xavier University, where the Coady Institute is based. She is a past Chair of the Canadian Stage Company, and Past Chair and Board member of the Board of Management of St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts.
Ms. Crocker’s career highlights include CEO of Hospitals of Ontario Pension Plan, senior executive positions at The Toronto Stock Exchange, Partner with Ernst and Young Management Consulting, and executive roles with CIBC in New York and Toronto. She has previously served on the Boards of Suncor Energy Inc., Brascan Financial Corporation, RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust, Toronto Community Foundation, Art Gallery of Ontario Foundation and the Canadian Stroke Network.
“Toronto and the arts are inseparable – the arts are contributing to the vitality and livability of our city. The Foundation has a dynamic vision that further integrates the arts into our lives, starting at the community level. This is a very exciting time to join and support the Toronto Arts Foundation,” said Ms. Crocker.
“I am very much looking forward to working closely with Susan as Foundation Board Chair,” said Claire Hopkinson, Executive Director of both Toronto Arts Council and the Foundation. “I’m confident that her leadership will build on the achievements of Diana Bennett and take us forward into the next major chapter of our development.”
Susan Crocker begins her leadership at a period of strong growth for the Foundation and the arts in Toronto. TAF’s vision for Toronto – Creative City, Block by Block – has begun to be realized through a number of unique initiatives including academic research, a 500-member Neighbourhood Arts Network, the launch of a new arts hub in North York and the Foundation’s signature event, the Mayor’s Arts Awards Lunch.
Presently nominations for the 2011 Toronto Arts Foundation Awards are being accepted until Friday, July 15, 2011 at 5 pm. Winners of the 2011 Toronto Arts Foundation Awards will be announced on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at the Mayor’s Arts Awards Lunch.
Toronto Arts Foundation exists to provide the creative opportunity for donors to support the arts in Toronto. TAF believes that a great city demands great art, and by supporting, celebrating, financing and advocating for Toronto’s local artists, we’re improving the quality of life of all Torontonians. Although separate entities, the Toronto Arts Council and Toronto Arts Foundation benefit by being run as sister organizations, ensuring close contact with the arts sector in Toronto and an ongoing awareness of activities and needs throughout the community. For more information on the awards and the work of the Toronto Arts Foundation, please click here.
Media Contact:
Karen Lorenowicz, KL Strategic Communications, 416-243-0168,