Call for Photos
Send us photos from your TAC funded projects
We’re seeking photos from Toronto Arts Council grant recipients to use in our print materials, e-communications, on our website and social media accounts. If you have dynamic, engaging photographs that showcase your 2021 TAC funded project, program and/or initiative, please send them our way.
By showcasing photos of TAC grant recipients, we’re able to highlight the depth of arts activity taking place in the city, and the incredible work that TAC supports.
Has your project changed? Feel free to send us photos that best capture how you adapted your art during the pandemic.
Here’s how:
1. Fill out this PHOTO RELEASE FORM. Please include photo credits.
2. Send your hi-res photos (of at least 1200 pixels) and the photo release form to via email or WeTransfer by February 25, 2022
We encourage artists and arts organizations working in all disciplines (including visual/ media arts and literary arts) to share photos with us.
Please send only hi-resolution photos of at least 1200 pixels (in width or height).
Thank you!